
Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Adirondack Brand

I found an interesting article a couple days ago about Adirondack tourism, and how those involved in the industry are working to make it as successful as possible. Currently, there are regional committees and councils designed to bring in tourists to specific destinations. But changes are being made to market those destinations under a single “Adirondack brand.” It’s the idea that tourists are more drawn to the concept of the Adirondacks than any particular destination. I would agree – If I were going on a weekend trip to Lake Placid, I’d think of it more as going to the Adirondacks for the weekend. I think this would hold true for tourists who aren’t so familiar with the regional differences in the Adirondacks, and who understand the entire region as having a more or less uniform culture. This probably isn’t the case for frequent visitors to the Adirondacks, though.

ROOST (Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism) began as a company focused solely on tourism in Lake Placid and Essex County, but has since grown to represent much of the 6 million acres in the Adirondacks.

I think the shift in focus is a way for the tourist industry to promote more of the lesser-known destinations, even though it may come at a cost for tourism in popular destinations like Lake Placid and Whiteface Mountain. But overall, it reflects an attempt to sustain economies in communities that have all contributed to developing the Adirondack brand.


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