
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Goat Meat

Until our wonderful trip to the Adirondacks last weekend, I had never heard of any restaurant or person cooking goat meet in the US. However, the folks at Asgard seemed quite convinced it was an undiscovered delicacy, so I decided to do some research. According to the Washington Post, goat meat makes up 70% of meat eaten globally. When I was living in Eastern Asia, goat was the most common animal to see in communities, but it never occurred to me that goat meat was the purpose (I had assumed it was mostly for the milk). Maybe Americans should jump on the bandwagon, especially since goat meat has two thirds less fat than pork and lamb and a third less calories than beef. As it turns out, goats are also great for farms. Unlike cows and other grazing live stock, goats do not pick and choose what to eat in a field and leave the rest. Instead, goats mow down fields in even sweeps, leaving no weeds or rough patches left for the farmer to remedy. No wonder Asgard farm had so many beautiful fields! So where do we common folk find goat meat? The best bet is apparently Halal markets. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea about the prevalence of goat meat around the globe before Asgard Farm. I hope it becomes more available in the US. It just sounds like a better choice for us
