
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Great Camp Design

This week in class we spent a little time designing the Great Camp we would build if we started today. While my groups pan ended up being interesting, there was a moment in the conversation where we said we should just not build! We got excited by the idea of actually putting wilderness first, because though you're taking the time to build and "eco friendly" home, you're still building! And thats still bad! Even if you're house is Carbon neutral and completely self sustaining, think of the trees you murdered to create the roads you created to get to the perfect spot. Think of the pollution from the machines you used and the scar you have ultimately left behind.
All this kind of got me thinking about the great camps we visited. These camps inspired me to want to protect the Adirondacks. They symbolize history, and though it's human history, it's important to the park. What if there was some way to accept the great camps already built as historical monuments and preserve them to show people the importance the Adirondacks had on our race, while also banning the construction of more? Although these Great Camps were a show of prominence and wealth, they also did grab up and ultimately protect a ton of land. They are a huge part of why the Adirondacks are exist as partial wilderness. Today, we see houses being built for the same reason, but without the idea of buying land to protect in the deal. As each house protects less land, more land is built on and destroyed. Maybe there is a way to keep the origins of the park intact, without ruining the rest of it.

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