
Monday, November 17, 2014

Solar FREAKIN' Roadways

As the first of the snow begins to accumulate, I know that soon enough plows scraping the ground outside my window will be waking me up early in the morning. As I think of this I revisit one of my greatest new obsessions- solar roadways.

If you havent seen this video yet,  you should!

They are roadways that promise to produce energy, melt snow, allow for changes in road markings (without using paint), lower the cost of energy, pay for themselves, and create jobs. This (somewhat obnoxious) video convinced me that solar roadways were the answer to life.
Obviously, they probably arent and I doubt my initial reaction to and obsession with them as I read more reviews about all their problems:

Despite all the negative vibes about solar roadways, I still believe, that like all other successful technology, the kinks will get worked out and the cost will lower.
So what does this have to do with the ADKs?
As upstate New Yorkers we take great pride in how well our roadways are taken care of in the winter. But a lot of this comes from the use of heavy duty plow trucks (that run on diesel) and thousands of pounds of salt being dumped on the roads. Maybe solar roadways are part of the answer to the bigger picture in the Adirondacks and around the world because they help reduce salt runoff and carbon emissions by melting the snow for us. This is just one perk these roadways promise us and our environmet. And they are SO COOL.


  1. This reminds me a lot of another really cool idea! It is called solar car parking canopy's which shade cars in parking lots while absorbing solar power to use as a renewable energy source. It would completely transform parking lots into something that actually helps the environment.

  2. This seems like a really intriguing idea, but for now it seems it should remain as such: an idea. The cost is ridiculous for the amount of energy produced. However, as we saw with regular solar panels, over time cost goes down while efficiency goes up. I hope to see this actually implemented someday! Maybe not in northern states though, I can't imagine frost heaves would do anything short of destroying them.

  3. I cannot believe I haven't heard of this yet! This is incredible! I understand the reasons that it in not yet feasible, and the frustration that people are so gung-ho for this idea, but not for solar panels on their own roofs, BUT I too am newly obsessed with this idea and I am so glad you shared this! Why can't Foxman just leave the woods along and invest in something like that that could really make a difference? I agree that they are the answer to life. Honestly this gives me so much hope. It is some of the best news I have received in a long time. There is too much conflict, too many problems. THIS IS THE ANSWER. Yes. Thank you.
