
Monday, October 6, 2014

The Castle

I just wanted to take this blog space to talk a little bit about how remarkable the experience at Litchfield Castle was. It was an absolute treat just wandering around the place. From paintings of Henry IV of France to alter pieces "acquired" from European churches and to the unavoidable trophies of the hunt from an European-dominated Africa, the castle oozed with an unbridled aura of European nobility. The castle simply had a transportive power to it that made you feel important for just stepping foot in it. The highlight of the trip for me at least was listening to and engaging with Bob Hamill and Peter Litchfield well past midnight with the students that stayed at the castle for the night. It was during these couple of hours that I found out that there was another person named Bayard that once
lived on this earth, besides myself and the civil rights activist Bayard Rustin. Bayard S. Litchfield was Peter's grandfather and he published a book with all the purchases, i.e. paintings, suits of armor, guns etc., the family had made to date two generations ago. The trip as a whole blew away my expectations and staying at that castle for a night simply made me feel regal. Thanks to everyone who made this trip possible.

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you describe the castle as having "a transportive power." That word really captures the whole experience.
